Maryland Family Childcare
Maryland Family Child Care providers are some of the most engaged and active members of Local 500. Below you will find your online application, bargaining unit leaders, and more.
UPDATE: view new information from the Maryland Departments of Health and Education on childcare credentialing and workforce development programs as well as COVID-19 guidance for childcare facilities.
Become a member
Click here to sign up today and become a member at SEIU Local 500. Your membership gives you a voice in your workplace, a seat at the table in negotiations with your employer as well as many members-only benefits, including discounts on retail, insurance, credit, and financial health programs. Sign up now.
View your contract
Click here to download a PDF copy of your union current contract. You may also download a copy of your prior contract and check out the highlights of your 2018-2021 contract.
You may also review the extended Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the State of Maryland and SEIU Local 500, which expires June 30, 2023 here.
Learn about your insurance options
Shop for liability and specialty insurance coverage with policies designed for SEIU Local 500 members by PMI, Program Managers, Inc. You may also download and print an application.
+ Why join your Maryland Child Care Provders' Union?
Power to Clean Up the System.
One of the most important parts of our union contract is a set amount of time that MSDE has to make POC payments to providers. We now hold the State accountable about late payments. Having trouble getting the pay that you earned from the state? Call us! The Union can help!
Power to Elect Politicians that Support Us and our Kids.
SEIU works to ensure that the Child Care subsidy program in Maryland is fully funded and that our politicians add much needed money to the programs that support providers.
Power to Have our Voices Heard.
Because of our union contract, providers have a seat at the table to give input to the state about training requirements and other rule changes that impact providers on a day to day basis. When you get involved and join the union, we can help your voice be heard!
**Power to use our numbers to get benefits for ourselves and our families. **
SEIU members have access to help with mortgage problems and access to discounts for trips, computers and other essential items. SEIU is also working with the state of Maryland to find a low-cost health care plan for providers. SEIU is also working to develop lower cost trainings for our members to help you keep your skills up-to-date.
+ Contact your Local 500 Early Learning Leaders
Fatima Whitmore, Regional Representative, Child Care Division, SEIU Local 500 (443) 857-1324
Crystal Barksdale, Regional Leader, Baltimore County & Secretary, SEIU Local 500 Executive Board (443) 838-6856
+ Helpful Links for Child Care Providers
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)
Credentialing for Childcare Providers in Maryland