Funding our Future
Read the White Paper
from SEIU Local 500
Every year, more than 70,000 children are born in Maryland. We know that our public investment in education is essential to nurture and develop every one of these children’s full potential.
Marylanders have always valued great schools, but right now we’re not investing enough in education to live up to our high standards. Thanks to the work of the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (the “Kirwan Commission”) we have a great blueprint for making Maryland schools the best in the world and ensuring every Maryland child receives a first class education.
While those of us who care for children in our public schools work to ensure all our students have a healthy learning environment, elected officials have a unique responsibility to provide the resources our kids need and that allow us to do our job effectively.
We are calling on our public officials in 2020 to pass new revenues that:
Fully fund the Kirwan Commission recommendations and protect other essential state priorities.
Fix Maryland’s upside-down tax code so that profitable corporations and super-rich individuals pay their fair share.
Maintain strong investments in other public services and the public servants who provide them.
Funding Our Future shows that Maryland’s richest residents and wealthy corporations can pay their fair share so our students have the schools they deserve.
We will work tirelessly to ensure that Maryland raises the revenue needed to guarantee that all children receive the education they deserve.