April 9, 2020


Since this emergency began, we at SEIU Local 500 have been engaged in confidential negotiations with MCPS to protect jobs and determine the future of work during this period. After the governor's executive order, we negotiated guarantees for the duration of the mandated closure and sent those to you via email. Since then, we have conducted additional bargaining to secure the livelihoods of MCPS employees and to gain clarity on work expectations for the remainder of this emergency. Today, we are pleased to announce the following guarantees the union succeeded in negotiating for you.


During the remainder of the COVID-19 outbreak, all member employees can expect to receive clear instructions and expectations so that they may successfully perform their jobs. If necessary, MCPS may also make additional continuing education available for member employees. School plant operation employees will receive orientation and training for the use of any cleaning agents or cleaning protocols that vary from those normally used and followed.

Additionally, members now have the following guarantees as a result of our bargaining: 

  • The student debt application deadline is extended through April 24, 2020*.

  • The deadline for filing, responding to, and appealing grievances and administrative complaints is also extended thirty calendar days after schools reopen.

  • The 6-month support period for member employees receiving peer assistance through the SSPGS before to March 6, 2020 is frozen. The remainder of their support period will resume when schools reopen.

  • Member employees under a 90-day special evaluation as of March 6, 2020 can expect their evaluation period also to be frozen on that date and to resume when schools reopen.

  • Employees who are working remotely shall be given clear guidelines and expectations concerning their work assignments and shall be provided with the technology necessary to perform such work. MCPS has committed to providing chrome books and wireless internet access devices (MiFi), if available. Employees shall not be required to use technology in the performance of their work which is not provided to them by the school system. Employees may, however, choose to use their technology as a matter of personal preference.

The negotiated guarantees are in effect until schools reopen and the school system has resumed normal operations.

We realize that this public health crisis has caused enormous stress and anxiety for everyone. This is especially true for our dedicated members who care for and educate our school children, and our tireless members who have been on the front lines responding to this threat. You are owed a debt of gratitude for your commitment to the community and the great risks you have assumed. 

While we were unable to share the specific details of this agreement with you before now, we have been bargaining tirelessly from the beginning to secure the guarantees we are communicating.    These assurances are the results of countless hours of work, often behind the scenes, by Local 500 member leaders, staff, and leadership. We know and appreciate your dedication and sacrifice. You, as members, are and will always be our top priority. We are here for you because we are you. We’re in this together. 

Attention: Media Assistants

If you were asked to work this week and did so, you should be paid regardless of whether you were on the MCPS list to work on April 6th – 8th.  If you have any correspondence from Administrators, Media Specialists, etc., please save the document. If you are not paid, please contact the Union and we will advocate for your rightful payment by MCPS for the hours worked.   

Attention: Paraeducators

Paras are required to work on April 6th – 8th.  You should technically only work the hours that are Para hours. If you also have Lunch/Recess hours, you will not be paid and should not be required to work on April 6 – 8 during those hours. During the rest of the time, starting Tuesday, April 14th, you should also only work the hours you are scheduled to work Para work, but will be paid for your total time. If you have been scheduled during this time to also work your lunch/recess hours, you should contact your Administrator via email and get confirmation you will be paid at the appropriate rate of pay. If you have any questions or issues, please contact the Union for assistance. 

Other Important Updates:

Beginning on Tuesday, April 14th, both 10 and 12-month employees will be paid for all permanent hours.  This will also apply on Friday, April 10th and Monday, April 13th, which are paid holidays for all MCPS employees.

What to do if you, a family member or a co-worker becomes ill or has been exposed to Covid-19? Visit ERSC’s FAQ for the steps you should follow. 

In observance of Good Friday, April 10th and Easter Monday, April 13th our remote services and member support will be closed. Remote operations will resume Tuesday, April 14th at 9:00 AM.

Please feel free to visit for additional information on the agreements reached with MCPS. Also do not forget to like and follow our Facebook page at, where you can receive updates even faster than over the phone.

Thank you all again for your dedication to our children and our communities. You are truly the heroes in this crisis.

*In an earlier version of this announcement, the deadline given was May 30. This was an error and we apologize.